Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

I am a committed Orange County bankruptcy lawyer who believes every consumer deserves to be free from overwhelming debt. Chapter 13 Bankruptcy can be an extremely helpful tool for wage-earning debtors and those facing foreclosure.

Repaying and Restructuring Debt Over Time in a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

I know that debt can add up and can feel insurmountable, even if you are still working and earning a paycheck. Unexpected life events happen, and sometimes there is nothing you can do to avoid taking on credit card debt or a loan. Yet in time, these debts can become difficult to repay, and it can feel as if they are taking over your life.

I, as an Orange County bankruptcy lawyer, have years of experience helping those struggling with debt, and I know that a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy may be able to help you. It is a type of reorganization bankruptcy through which you restructure debt with a repayment plan, and pay over a period of three or five years. Not only can Chapter 13 Bankruptcy help you get back on track, but it can also allow you to stop a foreclosure and remain in your home.

Restructuring debt. Reorganizing your payments. Stopping foreclosure. Getting back on track.


Want to know more about Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

I often get questions from clients about the difference between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. While Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is a liquidation bankruptcy where your debts are generally discharged in 4 months, Chapter 13 consists of your debts being reorganized in a 3 or 5 year repayment period. I can help you develop a repayment plan, and over a period of a few years, you will make monthly payments based on the terms of the plan until your remaining debts can be discharged.
The automatic stay, which stops all creditors and debt collectors from taking further action once you file for bankruptcy, will also stop the foreclosure process. I want to emphasize that although the automatic stay applies in any consumer bankruptcy case, it can be especially helpful for avoiding foreclosure in Chapter 13. Your repayment plan terms can allow you to get caught up on mortgage payments
I speak with a lot of consumers in Southern California who are concerned about their eligibility for bankruptcy. It can sometimes be difficult to qualify for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy if your household income is too high, have a lot of assets that cannot all be protected, or have more equity in your home than can be protected. However, most people in this situation qualify for Chapter 13. The only potential issue is that there are debt caps in a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. I can discuss those debt limits with you and help you consider your options if you are not eligible for Chapter 13 protection.


Get in touch today

As a dedicated and experienced professional at an Orange County consumer bankruptcy firm, I can begin working with you today to manage your debt.
